"""This module provides the step runner classes for the :ref:`check` step.
Checking is performed by a :py:class:`BaseCheckRunner` class, which is used to determine whether a file conforms to a
"check", the definition of which is contained in the specific class. A check typically involves reading a file, and
testing whether the file conforms to some arbitrary criteria.
The most common use of this step is to test for compliance using the IOOS Compliance Checker.
import abc
import itertools
import os
import re
# from collections import namedtuple
# import json
import tableschema
import yaml
from compliance_checker.runner import ComplianceChecker, CheckSuite
from .basestep import BaseStepRunner
from ..common import CheckResult, PipelineFileCheckType, validate_checktype
from ..exceptions import ComplianceCheckFailedError, InvalidCheckSuiteError, InvalidCheckTypeError, MissingFileError
from ..files import PipelineFileCollection
from ...util import (format_exception, is_netcdf_file, is_nonempty_file, CaptureStdIO, find_file)
from ...table import (get_tableschema_descriptor)
__all__ = [
[docs]def get_check_runner(config, logger, check_params=None):
return CheckRunnerAdapter(config, logger, check_params)
[docs]def get_child_check_runner(check_type, config, logger, check_params=None):
"""Factory function to return appropriate checker class based on check type value
:param check_type: :py:class:`PipelineFileCheckType` enum member
:param check_params: dict of parameters to pass to :py:class:`BaseCheckRunner` class for runtime configuration
:param config: :py:class:`LazyConfigManager` instance
:param logger: :py:class:`Logger` instance
:return: :py:class:`BaseCheckRunner` sub-class
if check_type is PipelineFileCheckType.NC_COMPLIANCE_CHECK:
return ComplianceCheckerCheckRunner(config, logger, check_params)
elif check_type is PipelineFileCheckType.FORMAT_CHECK:
return FormatCheckRunner(config, logger)
elif check_type is PipelineFileCheckType.NONEMPTY_CHECK:
return NonEmptyCheckRunner(config, logger)
elif check_type is PipelineFileCheckType.TABLE_SCHEMA_CHECK:
return TableSchemaCheckRunner(config, logger, check_params)
raise InvalidCheckTypeError("invalid check type '{check_type}'".format(check_type=check_type))
class BaseCheckRunner(BaseStepRunner, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""A CheckRunner is responsible for performing checks on a given collection of files.
The 'run' method is supplied with a PipelineFileCollection object and performs arbitrary checks against the files,
with the only expectation being that it must update the PipelineFile elements' check_result property with a
CheckResult instance.
The 'compliant' attribute of the CheckResult instance is a simple boolean determining whether the file
is compliant with the given arbitrary check, and 'compliance_log' must be a collection (e.g. list, tuple) containing
arbitrary information about why the file is considered non-compliant. Note: 'compliance_log' is a collection type in
order to correlate it to 'lines in a log file', and typically should return an empty tuple if the file is compliant.
def run(self, pipeline_files):
[docs]class CheckRunnerAdapter(BaseCheckRunner):
def __init__(self, config, logger, check_params=None):
super().__init__(config, logger)
if check_params is None:
check_params = {}
self.check_params = check_params
[docs] def run(self, pipeline_files):
check_types = {t.check_type for t in pipeline_files if
t.check_type in PipelineFileCheckType.all_checkable_types}
for check_type in check_types:
check_list = pipeline_files.filter_by_attribute_id('check_type', check_type)
check_runner = get_child_check_runner(check_type, self._config, self._logger, self.check_params)
self._logger.sysinfo("get_child_check_runner -> {check_runner}".format(check_runner=check_runner))
failed_files = PipelineFileCollection((f for f in pipeline_files
if f.check_type in check_types and not f.check_result.compliant),
for f in failed_files:
self._logger.error(u"log for failed file '{name}'{sep}{log}".format(name=f.name, sep=os.linesep,
if failed_files:
failed_list = failed_files.get_attribute_list('name')
raise ComplianceCheckFailedError(
"the following files failed the check step: {failed_list}".format(failed_list=failed_list))
[docs]class ComplianceCheckerCheckRunner(BaseCheckRunner):
def __init__(self, config, logger, check_params=None):
super().__init__(config, logger)
if check_params is None:
check_params = {}
self.checks = check_params.get('checks', None)
self.verbosity = check_params.get('verbosity', 0)
self.criteria = check_params.get('criteria', 'normal')
self.skip_checks = check_params.get('skip_checks', None)
self.output_format = check_params.get('output_format', 'text')
if not self.checks:
raise InvalidCheckSuiteError('compliance check requested but no check suite specified')
# workaround a possible bug in the compliance checker where invalid check suites are ignored
available_checkers = set(CheckSuite.checkers)
these_checkers = set(self.checks)
if not these_checkers.issubset(available_checkers):
invalid_suites = list(these_checkers.difference(available_checkers))
raise InvalidCheckSuiteError(
'invalid compliance check suites: {invalid_suites}'.format(invalid_suites=invalid_suites))
def __repr__(self):
return "{self.__class__.__name__}(checks={self.checks})".format(self=self)
[docs] def run(self, pipeline_files):
if self.skip_checks:
self._logger.info("compliance checks will skip {self.skip_checks}".format(self=self))
for pipeline_file in pipeline_files:
self._logger.info("checking compliance of '{pipeline_file.src_path}' "
"against {self.checks}".format(pipeline_file=pipeline_file, self=self))
# first check that it is a valid NetCDF format file
if not is_netcdf_file(pipeline_file.src_path):
compliance_log = ("invalid NetCDF file",)
pipeline_file.check_result = CheckResult(False, compliance_log)
check_results = []
for check in self.checks:
check_results.append(self._run_check(pipeline_file.src_path, check))
compliant = all(r.compliant for r in check_results)
compliance_log = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(r.log for r in check_results))
errors = any(r.errors for r in check_results)
pipeline_file.check_result = CheckResult(compliant, compliance_log, errors)
def _run_check(self, file_path, check):
Run a single check suite on the given file.
:param str file_path: Full path to the file
:param str check: Name of check suite to run.
:return: :py:class:`aodncore.pipeline.CheckResult` object
stdout_log = []
stderr_log = []
with CaptureStdIO() as (stdout_log, stderr_log):
compliant, errors = ComplianceChecker.run_checker(file_path, [check],
self.verbosity, self.criteria, self.skip_checks,
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
errors = True
'WARNING: compliance checks did not complete due to error. {e}'.format(e=format_exception(e))
# if any exceptions during checking, assume file is non-compliant
if errors:
compliant = False
compliance_log = []
if not compliant:
return CheckResult(compliant, compliance_log, errors)
[docs]class NonEmptyCheckRunner(BaseCheckRunner):
[docs] def run(self, pipeline_files):
for pipeline_file in pipeline_files:
"checking that '{pipeline_file.src_path}' is not empty".format(pipeline_file=pipeline_file))
compliant = is_nonempty_file(pipeline_file.src_path)
compliance_log = () if compliant else ('empty file',)
pipeline_file.check_result = CheckResult(compliant, compliance_log)
[docs]class TableSchemaCheckRunner(BaseCheckRunner):
def __init__(self, config, logger, check_params=None):
super().__init__(config, logger)
self.compliance_log = []
self.compliant = True
self.errors = False
self.schema_base_path = self._config.pipeline_config['harvester']['schema_base_dir']
self.tableschema_filename_pattern = None
if check_params is None:
check_params = {}
pattern = check_params.get("tableschema_filename_pattern", None)
if pattern is not None:
self._logger.sysinfo(f"Schema matching pattern is '{pattern}'")
self.tableschema_filename_pattern = re.compile(pattern)
def _dict_to_str(self, _dict):
_str = ''
for k, v in _dict.items():
_str += ' {}: {},'.format(k, v)
return _str[:-1]
def _exc_handler(self, exc, row_number=None, row_data=None, error_data=None):
error = f"Exception: {exc}\nError Data: {self._dict_to_str(error_data)}\n"
def _reset_compliance(self):
self.compliance_log = []
self.compliant = True
self.errors = False
[docs] def validate(self, path):
search_string = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
if self.tableschema_filename_pattern is not None:
match = self.tableschema_filename_pattern.match(search_string)
if match:
search_string = match.group()
fn = find_file(self.schema_base_path, '(.*){}(.*).yaml'.format(search_string))
self._logger.sysinfo(f"schema file: {fn}")
if fn:
with open(fn) as stream:
schema = get_tableschema_descriptor(yaml.safe_load(stream), 'schema')
table = tableschema.Table(path, schema)
_ = [r for r in table.iter(exc_handler=self._exc_handler)]
n_errors = len(self.compliance_log)
if n_errors > 0:
self.compliant = False
if n_errors > 10:
self.compliance_log = self.compliance_log[:10]
self.compliance_log.append(f"(Listing first 10 errors out of {n_errors})")
self.compliance_log = (f"could not find schema definition matching '{search_string}'",)
self.compliant = False
self.errors = True
[docs] def run(self, pipeline_files):
for pipeline_file in pipeline_files:
"checking that '{pipeline_file.src_path}' is valid".format(pipeline_file=pipeline_file))
pipeline_file.check_result = CheckResult(self.compliant, self.compliance_log, self.errors)