Writing a dest_path() function

The ‘dest_path’ (destination path) function is responsible for generating the path ‘key’ at which a file will be published. This key is used by both the harvesting process and the upload process, and is one of the most important elements of a handler.

  • Writing a dest_path() function with an unmodified filename:

    import os
    class MyHandler(HandlerBase):
        def dest_path(self, file_path):
            basename = os.path.basename(file_path)
            dest_filename = "IMOS_filename_01_XX_{basename}".format(basename=basename)
            return os.path.join('IMOS/MYFACILITY', dest_filename)
  • Writing a dest_path() function based on contents of a NetCDF file:

    import os
    from netCDF4 import Dataset
    from aodncore.pipeline import HandlerBase
    class MyHandler(HandlerBase):
        def dest_path(self, file_path):
            with Dataset(file_path, mode='r') as d:
                site_code = d.site_code
            dest_filename = "IMOS_filename_00_{site_code}.nc".format(site_code=site_code)
            return os.path.join('IMOS/MYFACILITY', dest_filename)
  • Writing a dest_path() function which is external to the handler class:

    import os
    def dest_path_external(file_path):
        return os.path.join("IMOS/DUMMY/{basename}".format(basename=os.path.basename(file_path))
    class MyHandler(HandlerBase):
    handler = MyHandler('/path/to/input/file', dest_path_function=dest_path_external)


Decoupling the dest_path() function from the handler means the same handler class can be used for multiple pipelines and act as a generic handler where calculating the destination path is the only point of difference between them, to save duplicating code.

Overriding default file actions

  • Set all ‘.txt’ files to UPLOAD_ONLY publish type in the preprocess() step:

    from aodncore.pipeline import HandlerBase, PipelineFilePublishType
    class MyHandler(HandlerBase):
        def preprocess(self):
            # use of filter_* and set_* methods reduces excessive nesting of 'if' and 'for'
            # statements
            txt_files = self.file_collection.filter_by_attribute_value('extension', '.txt')
        def preprocess(self):
            # functionally equivalent to the above example, but with unnecessary indentation
            # and explicit looping
            for pf in txt_files:
                if pf.extension == '.txt':
                    pf.publish_type = PipelineFilePublishType.UPLOAD_ONLY
  • Do not perform any checks on PDF (.pdf) files:

    from aodncore.pipeline import FileType, HandlerBase, PipelineFilePublishType
    class MyHandler(HandlerBase):
        def preprocess(self):
            # 'known' file types may be filtered by their type rather than by their extension
            # string attribute
            pdf_files = self.file_collection.filter_by_attribute_id('file_type', FileType.PDF)

Creating products during the handler lifetime

  • Create a simple product during the preprocess() step and add to the file collection:

    import os
    from aodncore.pipeline import HandlerBase, PipelineFile, PipelineFilePublishType
    class MyHandler(HandlerBase):
        def preprocess(self):
            # create the product
            product_path = os.path.join(self.products_dir, 'product.txt')
            with open(product_path, 'w') as f:
                f.write('some file contents' + os.linesep)
            # create a PipelineFile to represent the product file, set it's 'publish type'
            # attribute and add it to the handler's file collection
            product = PipelineFile(product_path)
            product.publish_type = PipelineFilePublishType.UPLOAD_ONLY

Query Storage

Query the existing pipeline storage for files matching a string:

from aodncore.pipeline import HandlerBase
from aodncore.pipeline.config import CONFIG

class MyHandler(HandlerBase):
    def preprocess(self):
        prefix = 'Department_of_Defence/DSTG/slocum_glider/Perth'
        file_to_check = 'Department_of_Defence/DSTG/slocum_glider/PerthCanyonB20140213/PerthCanyonB20140213.kml'

        # query the storage for all objects with a given prefix
        results = self.state_query.query_storage(prefix)

        # test for a given dest_path to conditional run some code (e.g. replace/delete a
        # previous version which had a different dest_path)
        if file_to_check in results:

        # iterate over the results
        for filename, metadata in results.iteritems():

{'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 27, 2, 30, 8, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'size': 21574}
{'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 27, 2, 30, 8, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'size': 132122}